Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Florida - Full Moon 250 - 01/12/17

Broken Tusk
Three Songs
Bear Machine Records

Like we (here at LK) said when writing about rickoLus' Underground EP a couple of moonths back: rickoLus (Richard J. Colado) has now 'turned into a whole new project called Broken Tusk'. Well, it seems Colado changes back and forth, as a new rickoLus EP (released just before Xmas) was launched after this Broken Tusk EP (out in late October).

These three songs were written, performed and recorded by Rick Colado (and mixed by Ben Cooper) in the(ir) Bear Machine Studios, Jacksonville, FL, during the autumn of 2016. Colado is a fascinating artist. He's a crazy showman live, but many of his songs are of the serious kind. "Mad Dog (named "America")" must have something to do with the, uuh, 'President-Elect' (I won't even mention his name) who will step into office nest week... I still really can't believe this is happening... (wow, what a shithole World we've got lately...). This song was released some 10 days before the Presidential election in the US in November. If it is a protest song, it is for sure a mild-sounding one.

The two other tracks, "Dreamless" and "The Shed", are also quiet ballads, both of them of the piano driven kind. They are more relaxed and laidback, yes indeed calm songs, so it might be a point what Colado stated: 'These songs have felt different to me then what I've done as rickoLus'. He also pointed out that he's been 'singing and writing with my naturally lower range voice', which maybe also explains the calm mood feel of the songs. Here's much more melancholy and sadness than earlier. "The Shed" is a song about his recording shed (in his backyard?), with lyrics dealing with sad/sweet memories and loss. Heartfelt and honest, personal, almost (too) private.

' were always there
to hear my songs
you were always there
when I needed someone to come home to
now your gone

It is good to hear Broken Tusk but we also still need to have rickoLus around.

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