Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - New Jersey - Full Moon 99 - 10/28/04

15 songs b4u

Well, this is weird. Afterthem sound like descendants of Frank Zappa and reviewing them is like dancing about architecture. Odd rhythms come and go alongside even odder vocals. At times I'm thinking they are what Guided by Voices and other lo-fi bands were too sensible to be. Other times they make more sense.

They call it "polyrhythmic garage funk". Yeah, that covers it. They do have a sense of funkiness amid the freakiness. With "Afterdance" the bands occasional male lead vocalist Dave is barely audible above the instrumentation. The song becomes a marriage between the funk and the junk. "In a City" is like PJ Harvey accompanied by a very drunk King Crimson. "Watching Them Come And Go" is a loose, spirited jangle with a cool lead vocal.

So, not something for everyone, but something for those of you who dig experimental stuff.

Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell e-mail address

© 2011 Luna Kafé