Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag Norway - Full Moon 74 - 10/21/02

Moon Orchestra
You'll know when you get there

With a name like Moon Orchestra you could easily score some extra points here at the Luna Kafé headquarters. Moon Orchestra is Jon Platou Selvig only, who's also a member of Perculator and Salvatore. Quite a small orchestra, I must say, presenting laid-back, chilled out instrumental music. Sound? Tangerine Dream for the club age?

You'll know when you get there is the teasing line served by back-packers world wide, fighting to keep their secret spots for themselves. And it seems like he's been picking up some inspiration from around the world (one track entitled "Eastern Lights", another being the Latino rhythmed "Mystic Brew"), because this sounds like music for travelling. However I find most of the album a bit too static and chilling (not what I need on the first day with snow covering the ground outside my windows...). This is not the easiest genre for raising neither the temperature nor people's eyebrows. Usually being background music for the generation of hip Café coolness.

You'll know when you get there clocks in at less than 40 minutes, which is quite rare these days, when most records go on for at least one hour. And despite that I like some of the tracks (the mentioned "Eastern Lights", plus "Midnight Movies") I don't find the album too exciting and interesting. You could say I didn't get there, to get to know how it's like.

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