Ukraine /
Japan - Full Moon 192 - 05/06/12
V4w.enko and Sanmi
Another release from the interesting Ukrainian label Nexsound, this
time a Japanese-Ukrainian collaboration. Highly experimental stuff,
presenting a project where
sound meets vision and interweaves. This is all about textures,
structures, multilayers.
Ukraina based V4w.enko (a.k.a. Evgen Vaschenko) meets Japan based
Sanmi (a.k.a. Kyo Yanagi). Most of Y:E:T's seven cryptically
entitled (from 1-7: "K4-j6 toT7",
"Ummd_line6", "R-d4", "Bvc2c", "Nod5", "T_mx2", and 7. "Lcgf") tracks
are slow streams of electronic twists and turns. Sometimes with a slow
beat, except for "Bvc2c",
which has got a more upbeat drive. Most tracks are also quite abstract
and freely floating compositions. Like they describe their project:
is the next point of researches in generative sounds with a sensual
approach to compose generated lines in the complete collages..."
Right. Included are ever-expanding
soundscapes from the electronic art palette. "T_mx2" is like a digital
soundtrack to some vibrant, yet silent (think 'a bit eerie') nightlife,
with crickets chirping.
The closing track, "Lcgf", is the one being the key track, at least to
my pair of ears. It's also a more tonal piece of composition, with a
tender and quiet piano holding
the thread. Vaschenko part of the project is about sound and vision,
where " electronics,
sound and video stream are being
realised in real-time by manipulating of self-programmed
algorithms..". Kyo Yanagi has been adding some 'sensual touch'
with "..high
tuned layers to the generated lines of sound structures..". All
this resulting in, according to V4w.enko and Sanmi a ""..multilayered
form which is allowed to bring spontaneous events into a new level of
the synergy of the live forms and some constant rules."
Y:E:T is a good soundtrack to a lazy Sunday morning if you're
in the mood for some loose-fit, abstract art shaped as sound.
Copyright © 2012 Håvard Oppøyen