Canada - Full Moon 185 - 10/12/11
Jude Davison
Outskirts of Eden
Pigeon Moods Music
Jude Davison doesn't do anything by halves, so he releases an ambitious double album. He's certainly delivered enough great songs to warrant a double. The theme is
of an Eden lost.
"Medicine Show" has some rootsy swagger to go and an intriguing lyric to recommend it. Davison's vocal is expressive and cool. "Bittersweet" has an apt title and a
memorable tune that Davison and his band handle well. It's like an updated Band song. Elsewhere he mentions Justin Bieber's dad, and delivers a great title song for this
album. It's a rockin' track and Davison makes this song work. "Magdalena Y mi Corazon" is a sweet, Latin-tinged song that rubs shoulder with the likes of the jazzy
"Baby Doll" and the amusing "Tattoo Town". There's no stone unturned on this remarkable album. Davison's really outdone himself this time.
Copyright © 2011 Anna Maria Stjärnell