Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Florida - Full Moon 168 - 05/28/10

David Packouz
Recursion Records

David Packouz makes thoughtful music that reflects the human condition, in various ways. He has a clean, neat way of writing his songs that's very appealing.

"Your Mask" reflects on superficial and inner beauty without getting trapped by cliché. He plays his guitar well and the melody's lovely. "We are all Human" makes a common observation but in a believable way. Packouz' plea for tolerance and peace in a troubled world can hardly fail to resonate with the listener. "Flickering Light" speaks of finding deeper values than colleting things and has a slowly unfurling Beatles-y vibe. Packouz' vocal is dead on and his guitar playing superb.

"Eternal Moment" is sweet and has a melody that easily lodges in the mind. Packouz really drives his point of living for the moment home. It's a nice record all told.

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© 2011 Luna Kafé