Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag Sweden - Full Moon 150 - 12/12/08

Ulrika Ölund

Ulrika Ölund records bright, up-tempo countrypop on her debut EP with pretty impressive results. She has a good voice and her songs are memorable.

Opener "Crust of the Icy River" brings a soft, yet distinct sound and a cool vocal. "Life is a Trial" is more reflective, and has a melancholy slant to it. Ölund's singing is wise and angelic. "Unforgettable" is cute and has a really insightful lyric, Ölund singing as wonderfully as ever. Ulrika Ölund has a nice sound and does good things on this promising EP. May she record an album just as good soon.

Copyright © 2008 Anna Maria Stjärnell e-mail address

You may also want to check out our Ulrika Ölund article/review: Sick And Tired.

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